Temple of
Inner Light
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To the Divine Light that dwells within us all…
May we connect with this innate Source from which we all arise
May we remember our Unity in Oneness
May we turn within to heal those forgotten and wounded parts of ourselves
May we come into alignment with our True Selves
And may we be clear vessels through which our Divine Light flows.
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A Sanctuary for Remembering
Your journey of remembrance begins by choosing to turn within.
This sacred space has been cultivated for you to do just that.
You are invited to slow down, be present with yourself, explore the habits, patterns, ways of being that have kept you surviving, remember the divine spark you entered this life as, open to healing any inner dissonance, align with, embody and awaken your divine essence in your daily life, and live your life thriving in your True nature.
Journey within, exploring and discovering your inner most Self.
Gigi Chiarello
Thriving in the exploration of her inner realms, Gigi is passionate about supporting and empowering others on their own inner journeys.
She is an intensely present, fiercely compassionate, clear, intuitive guide; who, with the utmost integrity and discretion, is also a trusted confidant.
Gigi believes it is through both our individual and collective liberation that we will experience the evoultion of humanity’s consciousness.
A priestess, mystic, visionary, and leader, Gigi is committed to all of us together awakening the more beautiful world our hearts know is possible.
“Only when we are brave enough to explore the darkness will we discover the infinite power of our light.” ~ Brene Brown