Illuminating Source
Temple of Inner Light
~ A Sanctuary for Remembering ~
Illuminating Source, a nonprofit 501c3, is creating a new paradigm which values each individual’s inner work as essential for humanity’s collective evolution. By creating sacred space for invaluable support, gatherings, retreats, and resources, we provide sanctuary for individuals on their inner journey of exploring their relationship with Self.
Your donation helps expand the capacity for Divine consciousness to express through each of us, fostering a greater collective awakening on our planet at this pivotal moment.
Join us on this journey as we create a new paradigm where everyone, everywhere is thriving, living a life honoring each Being as a manifestation of the Divine.
Donating …
At this time, your donation will help fund: start up costs (professional services, branding and marketing, equipment and supplies) and operational costs (rent and utilities, salaries and wages), so that we may launch more offerings and expand our reach.
We are grateful for your consideration.
You may make a contribution here …
Payable to: Illuminating Source
Mail to: 514 E Oak Street, Suite A, Ojai CA 93023
Thank you for your generosity!
Illuminating Source is a 501(c)(3) organization. Your donation is fully tax deductible.
EIN 99-2276728
“I honor the place in you where the Source of all Life resides;
I honor the place in you of Truth, of Peace, of Love, of Light;
When you are in that place in you, and I am in that place in me, we are One.”